As I predicted, it appears that #Google is about to effectively disable the udm=14 hack used to evade AI results in search.
"Der CLOUD Act erlaubt es US-Behörden, auf alle Daten zuzugreifen, die US-Unternehmen speichern - unabhängig davon, in welchem Land die liegen."
"Statt Digitale Souveränität aktiv zu verteidigen, fördere das BSI eine Lösung, "die uns in die Arme eines ausländischen Konzerns treibt", schimpft Albertini. "Stattdessen sollte das BSI belohnt und gezielt gefördert werden, wenn es europäische und deutsche Anbieter stärkt. Doch in einem falsch verstandenen Neutralitätsanspruch agiert es lieber als Türöffner für Google, anstatt die digitale Autonomie Deutschlands und der EU voranzutreiben.""
" Die öffentliche Verwaltung müsse dazu auf europäische Anbieter setzen, Bund und Länder sollten konsequent in europäische Alternativen investieren und die Entwicklung sicherer, souveräner Cloud-Infrastrukturen vorantreiben.",3764192
"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"
The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.
The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.
Other services will be hit.
Sign our petition
I really like the backup function in #GrapheneOS based on #Seedvault. I know it doesn't work 100%, some apps don't support it etc. But in my case >90% of apps get backed up and restored.
This is what all Androids should have. I understand #Google doesn't want to do it because for them #Android is just a gateway to their services and when you have all your data in their cloud, you don't need such backups. But other Android vendors should have it.
Had enough of big tech browser corpos like Google (Chrome) or Mozilla (Firefox) collecting your data and selling them to Advertisers?
Then it is time to uninstall them and get yourself a Norwegian browser Vivaldi with 0 external investors! Google, Amazon, Meta sign nuclear pledge: ‘Major demand’ is here #Amazon #google #JohnKetchum #JoshLipton #JulieHyman #ManagingDirector #MetaPlatforms #NextEraEnergy #nuclear #NuclearPower #RadiantEnergy #WorldNuclearAssociation
"I better do my due dilligance before moving from a #USA based company to #australian alternative"
*fires up #google spreadsheet*
... huh ... thanks brain...
*fires up #libreoffice *
Seitdem eine Kooperation des #BSI mit #google im Gespräch ist (s., lese ich solche Tipps mit anderen Gefühlen... Unsere Onlinezugänge sollen wir wirksam absichern, klar, aber google soll gleichzeitig die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung sicherer und souveräner #Cloud-Lösungen für #Behörden auf #Bund|es-, #Land|es- und #Kommunal|ebene unterstützen? In diesen Tagen und überhaupt? Verstehe ich nicht, sorry.
Welp, I just closed my #Amazon account.
My first order with that service was on the 22nd of October 1999. I ordered a copy of the User Friendly comic book. At the time, I was living in a student home.
If you think it's because Jeff Bezos supports #fascism in the #USA, directly and indirectly with the #WashingtonPost, you'd be wrong.
I mean, those are great reasons for sure! But whatever moral strength I may possess, I am also a creature of convenience. I managed to get away from #Google ... Nev. Regulators Give Nod to NV Energy Clean Transition Tariff #CleanTransitionTariff #Energy #FervoEnergy #google #NVEnergy #PublicUtilitiesCommissionOfNevada(PUCN)
The way I usually find out that Googlers I know have been fired is when their addresses suddenly start bouncing. #Google is VERY efficient at shutting those down within milliseconds of flushing loyal employees down the john.
Report: As they pour money into garbage AI, #Google laying off another (?) 40K workers, including crucial areas like customer "support" and Trust & Safety.
ADDING: To clarify, this figure, while including new layoffs just now being reported, likely also includes some other recent rounds of layoffs and buyouts.
Substantial layoff at Google this morning, locations around the world. IT and helpdesk hit hard. To be fair, they’re hard-pressed, last quarter’s earnings a mere $26.54B, that’s a narrow 27.51% profit margin. Google, Amazon, and Meta Join Historic Pledge to Triple Global Nuclear Energy by 2050 #Amazon #ESG #google #HistoricPledge #Meta #nuclear #NUCLEARENERGY
Europe needs its freedom from US tech: RISC-V-based computers running #Linux (created 100% in EU), Risc-V-based phones running a totally forked version of #Android, and the fediverse as its social media along other #opensource tech.
No more #Windows or #Google, no more spyware Chinese hardware, no ARM either (owned by Japan now), no more big corporations running our social life through AI algorithms.
I would strongly suggest using AIs other than #Google #Gemini. There is a reason #GeoffreyHinton left #Google. Prompt multiple AIs and compare the answers. Moreover, don't buy #RedState #Liquor. There are lots of excellent #BlueState #Distilleries and #CraftBreweries. Throw your #RedStateShit away and never buy it again.
Fake Website Spewing Out AI Slop Tops Google Search Results #googleimagesearch #millenniumfalcon #googlesearch #aigenerated #googleimage #Technology #aiimage #aislop #google #Space #fake
Ich wünschte mir ein Linux basiertes Smartphone mit einer "VM" für Android-Apps... NextEra Energy Challenges the Role of Natural Gas in Future Electricity Demand – News and Statistics #Amazon.comInc #ElectricityConsumption #ElectricityDemand #EnergyDiversification #GasPrice #google #LiquefiedNaturalGas #lng #LNGPrice #MicrosoftCorp #NaturalGas #NextEraEnergy #NexteraEnergyInc #RenewableEnergy