#AndroidAppRain at https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today brings you 1 added and 18 updated apps:
* Androoster: a comprehensive root tweak toolbox
RB status: 522 apps (41.2%)
3 #Magisk modules were updated at https://apt.izzysoft.de/magisk
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
Someone managed to run Linux on a Pixel 9 Pro XL (Android phone from Google) using the Terminal app, setting up XFCE within it. https://old.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/1ja82u9/working_linux_xfce_on_pixel_9_pro_xl/
Nothing OS – zamykací obrazovka a AoD s widgety, nové menu a složky s aplikacemi
What to do? I have sudden urge to switch my Samsung S6 Lite tablet to custom #android. There would be both the lineage and /e/OS available. Help, stop me before I waste few evenings again... I suppose I'd loose the pen utilities which was kinda the point of buying this tablet...
Par contre, iCard, une alternative à Revolut qui autorise la mobile payment via NFC fonctionne très bien.
@GrapheneOS #grapheneos #android
Troisième semaine de test avec @GrapheneOS. Mis à part le mobile payment que je regrette vraiment (Google wallet ne veut rien savoir, Revolut ne fonctionne pas encore mais je vais les travailler au corps), vraiment rien à redire de mon côté. Je suis même très surpris en bien.
#grapheneos #android
I really like the backup function in #GrapheneOS based on #Seedvault. I know it doesn't work 100%, some apps don't support it etc. But in my case >90% of apps get backed up and restored.
This is what all Androids should have. I understand #Google doesn't want to do it because for them #Android is just a gateway to their services and when you have all your data in their cloud, you don't need such backups. But other Android vendors should have it.
Ennakoiva tekstinsyöttö. Mikä ihana ominaisuus kaltaiselleni hitaalle, boomer-tyylin töpöttäjälle.
Mutta nykyisen puhelimeni ennakoiva tekstinsyöttö lähinnä ahdistaa ja inhottaa tästä syystä.
Aluksi tää huvitti, mutta näin hiljalleen parin vuoden aikana huvittuminen on jäänyt pois. En tiedä miten tätä saisi muutettua. Mikään määrä käyttöä ei opeta tekstinsyöttöä lainkaan minun sanavarastooni. Jokin aiempi puhelimeni oppi sen ja se oli tosi helpottavaa, kun tunnisti suoraan usein käyttämät fraasini ja toistuvat asiat (kuten "Lisää blogissa. Linkki biossa ja storyssa.").
Mutta tämä ei opi muuta kuin ne sanat, jotka erikseen sille opetan.
Myöskään googlaushistoriasta on turha sanoa. Ei liity tähän mitenkään. Ennakoiva tekstinsyöttö ei noteeraa minua käyttäjänä mitenkään.
GrapheneOS Camera app version 83 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Forum discussion thread:
Europe needs its freedom from US tech: RISC-V-based computers running #Linux (created 100% in EU), Risc-V-based phones running a totally forked version of #Android, and the fediverse as its social media along other #opensource tech.
No more #Windows or #Google, no more spyware Chinese hardware, no ARM either (owned by Japan now), no more big corporations running our social life through AI algorithms.
Sooo... A current #Android with march 25 patches has new exciting options: you can enable a full #Linux environment on your device and do stuff like running docker. I enabled this with my #grapheneos device (6a) just now, but when I want to use the new and shiny #Terminal app, I get a popup saying I need to download 565MB first - which then fails.
New #android phone is only operational after #termux, ssh, #wireguard and #neovim are restored
Shot in the dark here, but has anyone used Island / Insular with #GrapheneOS in #Android ? (For those less familiar with it, Island/Insular is a tool by Oasis Feng that creates a custom work profile it manages to isolate apps installed within that profile. This way they don't get access to things most apps get access to on the host system -- even the stuff that doesn't have to ask for permission generally. Though there are a few things the work profile can still see.)
I'm having an issue that stuff I'm installing inside the island is disappearing after a while (specifically I guess after a reboot?) This doesn't occur in any other "ROM" I've used, so I think possibly it's related to the custom installer #GrapheneOS uses.
Anyone have any experience with this?
Why some #Android apps are copied from old phone to a new phone with all the settings intact, where are the most do loose their settings? And howcome this phone renewal sync still sucks so much?
#AndroidAppRain at https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today with 1 added, 5 returned and 10 updated apps:
* Karui ToDo: a privacy focussed todo list app to quickly jot down things to do
Returned were treehouses remote, AutoDND, URLSanitizer, freeDictionaryApp and Blue Line Console. All of them RB. Altogether 16 apps today, 15 of them RB.
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo